
The rule of golden ratio and other rules for art and design to be used in course creating process

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The rule of golden ratio and other rules for art and design to be used in course creating process
The rule of golden ratio and other rules for art and design to be used in course creating process

The golden ratio is a well-known and used rule for design and art. It could also be used in education and compelling a course because the rule is divine and applicable in many areas. Are there other good-to-know rules like the golden ratio? In addition to the golden ratio rule, several other design and composition rules are commonly used in art and design. This article covers some of them you should have a clue about and know. 

The golden ratio

The Golden Ratio, also known as the Divine Proportion, is a mathematical concept that has been studied and revered by mathematicians, scientists, and artists for centuries. It is a ratio that occurs naturally in many forms in nature and is considered to be aesthetically pleasing to the human eye.

The Golden Ratio can be defined as the ratio of two quantities, where the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller quantity is the same as the ratio of the sum of the two quantities to the larger quantity. Mathematically, this can be represented as the Greek letter Phi (Φ), approximately equal to 1.6180339887.

The Golden Ratio is often used in design and art to create visually pleasing and harmonious compositions. The ratio can be used to determine the proportion of different elements in a design, such as the size and placement of elements within a composition. It can also be used to divide a space into pleasing and balanced sections.

The Golden Ratio can be found in many forms in nature, such as in the spiral patterns of seashells and pinecones, the branching of trees, and the proportions of the human body. Many ancient architectural structures, such as the Parthenon in Greece and the Great Pyramid of Giza, are also believed to have been designed using the Golden Ratio.

In art, the Golden Ratio has been used by many famous artists to create pleasing compositions in their paintings and sculptures. For example, Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting, the Mona Lisa, is believed to have been composed using the Golden Ratio.

In photography, the Golden Ratio is often used to create pleasing compositions by placing the subject of the photograph at one of the points of intersection of the grid lines created by dividing the frame into thirds. This creates a sense of balance and harmony in the photograph.

The Golden Ratio is often used in web design to create visually pleasing and balanced layouts. For example, the width of a column in a website layout can be set to a proportion of the width of the overall layout that follows the Golden Ratio.

In summary, the Golden Ratio is a mathematical concept that has been studied and revered for centuries. It is a ratio that occurs naturally in many forms in nature and is considered to be aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. It can be used in various forms of art and design to create visually pleasing and harmonious compositions and layouts.

The Rule of Thirds

This principle suggests that an image should be divided into thirds, horizontally and vertically, with the points of intersection being the most visually interesting. This can be used as a guide for placing vital elements in a composition.

The Rule of Thirds is a design principle that suggests that an image should be divided into thirds horizontally and vertically, creating a grid of 9 equal parts. The critical elements of the image should then be placed along these lines or at the points where the lines intersect. This creates a sense of balance and tension in the composition and can guide the viewer's eye through the image.

The Rule of Thirds is based on the idea that the human eye is naturally drawn to the intersection of the grid lines, which creates a sense of movement and interest in the image. This principle is commonly used in photography, painting, and graphic design to create visually pleasing and dynamic compositions.

When using the Rule of Thirds, it's essential to remember that it's not a hard and fast rule and is meant to be used as a guideline. Sometimes, breaking the rule and placing the main subject of an image off-center can lead to an even more exciting and dynamic composition.

In summary, The Rule of Thirds is a design principle that suggests dividing an image into thirds horizontally and vertically to create a grid of 9 equal parts and placing key elements along these lines or at the points where they intersect to create a sense of balance and tension and guide the viewer's eye through the image. It's not a hard and fast rule and can be broken for more dynamic compositions.

The Fibonacci Sequence

This mathematical sequence, which is closely related to the golden ratio, is often used in design to create pleasing and harmonious proportions.

The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, usually starting with 0 and 1. This sequence creates a pattern of numbers that are often found in nature and can be used to create pleasing and harmonious proportions in art and design. The sequence is named after the Italian mathematician Fibonacci who introduced it to the Western world in his book Liber Abaci in 1202.

The Fibonacci sequence is closely related to the Golden Ratio, and both are often used in design and art to create pleasing and harmonious proportions. The sequence can be used to determine the proportion of different elements in a design, such as the size and placement of elements within a composition. It can also be used to divide a space into pleasing and balanced sections.

In summary, The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical sequence where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. It creates a pattern of numbers that is often found in nature and can be used to create pleasing and harmonious proportions in art and design. It is closely related to the Golden Ratio and can be used to determine the proportion of different elements in a design.

Other rules worth mentioning

Apart from the above, there are other rules in this context worth mentioning. 

A. Symmetry and asymmetry
Symmetrical compositions can create a sense of balance and order, while asymmetrical compositions can create a sense of movement and tension.

B. Contrast
Using contrasting elements, such as different colors, shapes, or textures, can add visual interest and drama to a composition.

C. Repetition and pattern
Repeating shapes, colors, or other elements can create a sense of unity and cohesiveness in a design.

C. Proximity
Placing related elements close together can create a sense of grouping and hierarchy while placing them farther apart can create a sense of separation and isolation.
Proximity in design refers to the relationship between elements in terms of distance and closeness. When related elements are placed close together, it creates a sense of grouping and hierarchy, making it clear to the viewer that these elements are related and should be viewed together. On the other hand, when related elements are placed farther apart, it creates a sense of separation and isolation, making it clear that these elements are unrelated and should be viewed independently. The use of proximity can be used to create a sense of organization, emphasis, and clarity in design. It can also be used to direct the viewer's attention, make certain elements stand out, and create a sense of movement within a composition.

These are just a few examples, and many other design principles and techniques can be used to create visually exciting and compelling compositions.

How can the rules of the Golden ratio, the rule of thirds, and the Fibonacci sequence be used in the creation process in the education course creation process?  

So knowing about these rules that were listed above, that are primarily used in arts and design: how can you take this knowledge into the process of creating learning material and courses, lessons, and presentations so both students and teachers, consultants, and clients can apply them in daily practice?

The Golden Ratio, The Rule of Thirds, and the Fibonacci sequence are all design principles that can be applied to creating course material, lessons, and course plans to make them visually pleasing, easy to follow, and effective for learning.

The Golden Ratio can be used to create visually pleasing and harmonious layouts for course materials and lesson plans. For example, when designing a slide presentation, the width of a slide can be set to a proportion of the width of the overall presentation that follows the Golden Ratio, creating a balanced and visually pleasing layout.

The Rule of Thirds can be used to create lesson plans and course materials to guide the viewer's attention to the most essential information. For example, when designing a slide presentation, the Rule of Thirds can be used to align key elements, such as text and images, with the grid lines, creating a sense of balance and movement in the composition.

The Fibonacci sequence can be used to create pleasing and harmonious proportions in the organization of course material and lesson plans. For example, when organizing a course syllabus, the Fibonacci sequence can determine the proportion of topics covered, ensuring that the course material is balanced and easy to follow.

In summary, The Golden Ratio, The Rule of Thirds, and the Fibonacci sequence are design principles that can be applied in creating course material, lessons, and course plans to make them visually pleasing, easy to follow, and effective for learning. They can be used to create balanced layouts, guide the viewer's attention, and organize course material in a harmonious way.

We hope this article gave you inspiration and ideas to move your lessons, presentations, modules, and courses to new heights in the future. We hope you can have them in mind when you work in the HR department to enhance the upskilling and reskill of the staff members. And use them for onboarding and facility management training and assessment. Using KLMS to upskill all team members, distributors, and clients of your organization's practices and whereabouts is easy when you use the KLMS. KlickData learning management system. Even if you have a great system to create courses, tests, material, events, surveys, and questions, you need to put them into an order that makes sense and is valuable to the audience. Good luck in this process! We wish you great success in the future!

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