


The exams are the test tool for securing competence in any knowledge within an organization and are one of Klickdata's most popular tools.

In addition to providing users with access to over 500 of KlickData's pre-produced tests, an administrator can create fully customized tests in any area of ​​knowledge.


All knowledge can be certified through different grade limits determined by the administrator. The possibilities in Examina together with Test production are therefore unlimited.

Customized tests are easily created by the administrator through the Test Production tool independent of KlickData's pre-produced tests for the e-course assortment.

The tests in the exams can be of nature a) multiple-choice questions, b) open questions/assignments, c) examinations/surveys (separately in the Opinion tool). There can also be cluster tests that are created randomly from different selected sub-tests, which is perfect for final exams and examinations.

The tests can be carried out with or without access to the facts and with the possibility of a diploma at an approved pass limit (eg 75%). They can also be study tests, forcing the right answer to proceed (so-called Labyrinth or Duggat test). In these cases, the tests will be the courses. Hence the name Instudering test where you get 100% right when you are done.

The variations and choice options in Examina are created so that students and users can combine play and desire at the right level of coercion in any chosen situation. A nuclear power plant's safety routines as well as an intermediate class minimum knowledge requirement if Gustav Vasa can both fall well under the wings of Examina.

In the learning platform, all questions are editable, so as an administrator you want to edit in KlickData's questions or create your tests with the associated module Production Sample, it is possible to quality test content and creates tests for the right target group.

The exams thus offer unlimited opportunities for certification of knowledge in elective subjects and areas in all organizations vis-à-vis the users of the companies and organizations that invest in a Site License solution with KlickData. Larger organizations such as Santander Bank today mainly use KlickData's Examination for their knowledge purposes. The exams are a tool that could stand on its own, but today it is an integral part of KlickData's LMS

Tools to easily Educate, Certify and Follow up

E-course player

E-course player

Helps you easily navigate through video and indexed based e-courses produced by Klick Data in the KlickData E-course format.
Examina (Test functions)

Examina (Test functions)

Validate your employees' knowledge level by adding any multiple Choice Quiz or use the library of Quizzes from Klick Data and the 500000 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from World of Knowledge (WOK)/ WikiMaster, indexed by Wikipedia articles in 4 languages (Eng, Arabic, Swedish and French)


Follow up on individual and group level basis on started courses, Completed Courses and other Statistics for follow up on education development within the organization. Directly follow the knowledge development and create your own statistics
Course creation

Course creation

Coach and lead the training by creating your own Company syllabuses by adding Material, Tests and Surveys. With Any digital form of material or Specification of Live Events, Webinars or html based Links.
Test production

Test production

Create your own tests, tests and quizzes from your own company needs or alterate from any Template or the WOK Database of MCQs
Custom made educational material

Custom made educational material

Made any custom made educational material from any template used in KLMS library or upload your own designed educational material in order for your staff to learn.
Survey (Opinion module)

Survey (Opinion module)

Create any Survey on any subject, Course or Material to be independently used for feedback from the organization or used as apart of the improvement feedback cycle. Create surveys and measure the perceived effect, results and opinions
KLMS Booking

KLMS Booking

Manage the entire organization's course administration and manage course plans by adding Material, Tests and Surveys to a target group within the licensed users and schedule this to any time with a reminder functionality for certify that educational material, certification and Survey is taken on time.
CV database

CV database

Manage the entire organization's CV database with skills development to get an overview of each staff/ student members performance to get the individual development plan and HR information for salary discusions in line with survey results from coworkers.
Authoring tools

Authoring tools

Easily create your own e-courses using KlickData's authoring tool in KLMS.

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